
In June 2009, I indeed took a trip to South Korea to visit my friends Chris McCoy and Laura Coco. They had been teaching English there for several months, and not only was this a great opportunity to see Korea with some local support, it was damn well time to see them again and catch up. If you are interested in their experiences in Korea you can check out their blog, McCoKorea. It is thrilling.

Over the next view days, I will be posting updates adapted from journal entries written by me during the trip. Sometimes these entries would pile up over multiple days , and often I would leave myself notes to elaborate later. It follows that some of these posts may contain confusing tenses or references to things or people you might not be familiar with. I will try to add extra explanation, and edit where needed. Hopefully the result will be a coherent and somewhat entertaining account, emphasis on the somewhat. I might need a tasty sports beverage for this.